We Buy Old Laptops & Desktops
If it’s too old we are happy to recycle it.
Trade In against a replacement
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We Buy – Trade – Recycle




Need a Quote?
Looking to sell your Laptop, Desktop, Macbook, iPad or other Tablet then PC Academy will pay cash for them.
You can trade them against our new or used IT if you are looking to upgrade to a newer model.
When they are that old they have no monetary or trade in value we are happy to recycle them for you so that they avoid landfill and other companies/people get to re-use them in other ways.
Laptops macbooks desktops iPads
.Recycling of IT equipment has never been more important and it allows us to install upgrades to older items to make them work for present day use such as school work, college, university or home office requirements.
The cost to buy an upgraded recycled computer or laptop is considerably less than the cost of a new one so it’s not only good for the planet due to less landfill being created it’s also great at saving you money.
PC Academy put every effort into re-using all computer related equipment for future use to benefit our customers who want to save money or just love and appreciate how we embrace the whole recycling ethos.
Call into our store if you prefer to deal with us in person.